
Status Info

Title:Init7 backbone problem
Duration:2012-10-20 19:00 -
Severity (1-5):3
Status: Done

Backbone of Init7 is flapping at the moment. Affected location is mainly Frankfurt. The cause of this outage is unclear, we're investigating.

Update 21:30

Backbone is stable again. We are still investigating what has caused these flaps.
Further monitoring is in progress.

Update 21:40

Flapping has ocurred again. We are still researching.

Update 22:55

We will conduct an emergeny reload to upgrade our router in Frankfurt, Interxion to an new software release.

Update 23:45

Emergency reload has completed. Router seems stable now.

Update 21.10.2012 01:50

Further flaps have been detected. Investigation is still in progress.

Update 21.10.2012 02:10

We will upgrade our router in Frankfurt, Ancotel and shut down all the DECIX peering sessions. A router reload will be required.

Update 21.10.2012 02:55

Router has been reloaded with new software.
A possible cause for the flaps might be a software flaw.
We are in investigation with our vendor.

Update 21.10.2012 13:00

After the router upgrades and the temporary shutdown of all DECIX peering sessions no further flaps have occurred.

Update 23.10.2012 15:50

After investigation with the manufacturer DECIX peering sessions at Frankfurt, Interxion have been re-enabled today at 9.30 AM. We will re-enalbe the sessions at Frankfurt, Ancotel tomorrow morning.

Update 24.10.2012 10:15

DECIX sessions have been re-enabled at Frankfurt, Ancotel. Backbone is stable.
